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所跟帖: 脪脿脦垄 脫娄碌卤路颅脪毛脦陋拢潞脡脧碌脹碌脛鹿煤/脡帽碌脛鹿煤/脡帽碌脛脥鲁脰脦脢脟脪镁露酶虏禄录没碌脛隆拢   2022-03-22 01:00:30  

作者: 脗陆脝脽   潞煤脗脪路颅脪毛 2022-03-22 04:29:23  [点击:3921]
“the government of God 这里等同于the kingdom of God (神的国)”

认为government 等同于 kingdom , 这不是信口开河吗? 如果这是圣经中的一段话,你又是在自己的教堂里, 不管怎么说, 都会有人称赞你。但这句话是English, 你是对一般读者说话, 不负责任的乱说一通只能让人笑话你的无知,肤浅和狂妄。


Such is the description of governments. We see the government of God over the world is hidden, insomuch as it seemeth to participate of much irregularity and confusion: the government of the soul in moving body is inward and profound, and the passages thereof hardly to be reduced to demonstration.


培根是现代科学哲学的创始人。 他的思想, 与“神的国是永恒的、主宰宇宙万物的神的统治。神是所有创造物不可否认的君王”之类的说教很少有共同之处。


Throughout his career, Francis Bacon made many anti-religious and, more specifically, anti-Christian statements. Bacon was a militant atheist but his atheism was not a simple dismissal of religion and religious belief. He exploited the symbols of Christianity, especially the Crucifixion and the Pope, in order to show its untenability in the modern age.
锟斤拷锟洁辑时锟斤拷: 2022-03-22 04:32:27


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