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所跟帖: aops 路冒脗脼脌茂麓茂   2021-12-01 03:33:54  

作者: aops   脳么脰脦脩脟 2021-12-01 03:37:20  [点击:1232]
Misdemeanor Theft

A person who steals property or services valued at $1,500 or less commits a misdemeanor, punishable by up to 12 months' jail time and a $1,000 fine. If an offender receives a sentence of six months or less, the judge may allow the offender to serve the sentence on weekends or during non-working hours.

If the person has two or more prior theft convictions, the misdemeanor penalty bumps up to a felony wobbler, which means the judge can choose to impose the misdemeanor (12-month) jail sentence or instead impose a felony (one- to five-year) prison sentence.


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