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作者: 脠眉脌楼   脦梅碌茫陆脤脢脷隆垄脫楼脜脡FDD脰梅脠脦拢潞脢搂掳脺脭脷脫脷鲁路戮眉戮枚露篓拢卢露酶路脟脢碌脢漏隆拢 2021-08-27 02:04:30  [点击:1398]
By Bradley Bowman, senior director of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies' Center on Military and Political Power (鲍曼,保卫民主基金军政中心主任,西点教授,曾任共和党参议员的顾问。捍卫民主基金“于2001成立,其政治倾向被划归为无党派、鹰派和新保守主义等。)。

多年来,左右都谴责这场“无休止”的战争。这些鼓吹撤军的人现在又把灾难归罪于实施撤军计划的白登,忘了是撤军的决定才带来这场灾难(These advocates are attempting to argue the catastrophe has been caused by the way President Joe Biden’s withdrawal has been implemented rather than the decision to withdraw itself)。

这些言论经不起推敲。任何关心此事的人都不难知道,把撤军定在某个日子之前,很容易带来塔利班夺权。情报机关早就提醒过塔利班的实力(That argument, however, does not withstand scrutiny. Anyone paying the slightest attention knew in advance that a premature U.S. troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, based on keeping to a certain deadline, would likely result in a Taliban takeover. As The New York Times reported Aug. 18, the “intelligence agencies warned for years about the Taliban’s strength and the likelihood that the Afghan government and military could not hold on after U.S. and international military forces left.”)


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