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所跟帖: 脮脜潞脳麓脠 脙脌鹿煤赂酶脦盲潞潞脟庐脭脷2014脛锚掳脻碌脟碌卤赂卤脳脺脥鲁脢卤   2021-08-04 00:05:51  

作者: 脠眉脌楼   碌脙脰陋赂脙脧卯脛驴脡忙隆掳鹿娄脛脺禄帽碌脙隆卤潞贸拢卢2014脛锚掳脗戮脥路垄陆没脕卯脕脣隆拢 2021-08-04 00:33:50  [点击:1091]
新闻周刊:The Obama administration enacted a moratorium on certain gain-of-function research in 2014 after researchers announced they were able to modify the H5N1 avian influenza strain to become highly transmissible between ferrets. It raised concerns about an accidental lab leak leading to a global health crisis because ferrets were the animals that most closely mimicked a human response。

之前,只知道是病毒研究(Regardless of how it's viewed in retrospect, Neil argued that at the time the grant was awarded, the NIH didn't think it constituted gain-of-function research and therefore Fauci was not lying)。

争论的是“功能获得”带来的风险大于益处(debate as to whether the risks gain-of-function pose outweigh the potential benefits)。

保罗反对的是所有“功能获得”,不光是武汉:calling the experiments a means of making the virus more transmissible to humans。



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