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作者: 脠眉脌楼   隆掳脜脩脥陆隆卤脙芦脭贸脙帽碌脛脳脭鹿漏脢茅拢篓脠芦脦脛拢漏隆拢 2018-10-12 15:34:15  [点击:17054]







我认为,新疆与苏维埃和延安关系恶化的主要原因是苏联,而不是新疆和中国共产党。我坚信盛督办是马克思列宁主义的忠实追随者。他的著作“六大政策”证明了他对马克思和列宁意识形态的深刻理解。他对苏联的亲热关系以及他对中国共产党的支持和援助,证明了他将这些意识形态付诸实践的能力。有两个原因导致新疆与苏联和中国共产党之间的关系恶化。首先,莫斯科和延安认为盛督办不信任苏联和中国共产党。其次,盛督办认为苏联和中国共产党的政策是要破坏新疆。当我在莫斯科接受治疗时,我不止一次地建议苏联政策制定者暂时放弃他们破坏新疆的政策。我建议他们应该指示刘延(Liu Yen)女士尽一切可能赢得新疆当局对共产党的支持。我告诉他们“破坏”的政策和“说服”的政策相互矛盾。如果两项政策同时通过,那么它们注定要失败。在我看来,他们同意我的观点,但他们从未在实践中接受过我的建议。苏联还犯下了另外两个错误。首先,她坚持租用新疆锡矿五十年。盛督办认为这是一种侵略行为。其次,她阻止了盛局长成为中国共产党的一员,并坚称他只能加入苏共,从而给人留下她对新疆有领土野心的印象。由于苏联的这些错误政策,盛督办失去了对斯大林和马克思列宁主义的信心。


方林也给我带来了严重的麻烦。他首先在我和我的妻子之间制造了一种分歧,导致我们离婚。然后他让朱旦华小姐嫁给我。通过朱小姐,他试图赢得我的支持 ——这一事实直到我们结婚之后才发现。他想赢得我的支持,因为他知道我是那个向盛督办报告他的不端行为的人,建议他应该被替换。(我之所以提出这个建议,是因为我当时认为方林离开新疆有助于维持新疆与延安的关系,增进盛督办与毛泽东主席之间的个人友谊)。方林也知道盛督办曾告诉我不要与朱旦华小姐结婚以免别人批评。由于这个原因,方林总是怀疑盛督办和我有非常亲密的个人关系。显然他想通过我和朱旦华女士结婚来在我和盛督办之间打进一个楔子。我深感遗憾的是,我忽视了盛督办的善意建议,并让自己陷入了陷阱。


我的兄弟(毛泽东)总是说,周恩来是少数几个喜欢在党内同袍之间制造分歧的共产党人之一。在江西的共产主义运动初期,他该为党内的纷争负责。中共对新疆的政策分三个阶段进行。在第一阶段,我们采取了一切可能的手段来赢得盛督办对共产党人的支持,并帮助他建立一个新的新疆。 在第二阶段,共产党的立场得到巩固,并准备破坏当地政府。在第三阶段,采取一切措施推翻现有的主张六大政策的政府,并以独立于中国政府的苏维埃政权取而代之。







附二:《Sinkiang: pawn or pivot?》,Allen Suess Whiting,
Michigan State University Press, 1958

Tsou Tao-feng and Hu Yii-chih-邹韬奋、胡愈之
Tu Chung-yuan杜重远
Chu Tan-hua-朱旦华
Fang Lin 方林 即(Teng Fa)-邓发
Kao Tsung-ming 高崇民

Liu Yen 暂译“刘延”,女

p 287

Before I write my confession, I must offer my apology to Commissioner Sheng who has been very kind to me and the other Chinese Communists.

I believe it is the Soviet Union, rather than Sinkiang and the Chinese Communist Party , who should be chiefly responsible for the worsening of Sinkiang-Soviet and Sinkiang- Yenan relations. It is my firm belief that Commissioner Sheng is a faithful follower of Marxism-Leninsm. His book entitled The Six Great Policies is proof of his profound understanding of the ideologies of Marx and Lenin. His policy of kinship to sovietism and his aid and assistance to the Chinese Communist Party is proof of his ability to put these ideologies into practice. Two reasons accounted for the worsening of the relations between Sinkiang on the one hand and the Soviet and Chinese Communists on the other. First, Moscow and Yenan thought that Commissioner Sheng distrusted the Soviet Union and the Chinese Communist Party. Second, Commissioner Sheng thought that the policy of the Soviet Union and the Chinese Communist Party was to undermine Sinkiang. When I was in Moscow under medical treatment, I had more than once advised the Soviet policy-makers to give up temporarily their policy of undermining Sinkiang. I suggested that they should instruct Miss Liu Yen to take every possible means to win the Sinkiang authorities over to the Communist side. I told them that the policy of "undermining" and the policy of "persuading"

are contradictory to each other. If both policies were adopted at the same time, they were doomed to failure. They concurred with me in my opinion, but they never took my advice in practice. Two other errors have been committed by the Soviet Union. First, she insisted on leasing the Sinkiang tin mines for a period of fifty years. This was considered by Commissioner Sheng as an act of aggression. Second, she prevented Commissioner Sheng from becoming a member of the Chinese Communist Party and insisted that he could only join the All-Union Communist Party, thus creating the impression that she has territorial ambitions toward Sinkiang. Because of these mistaken policies on the part of the Soviet Union, Commissioner Sheng lost his confidence in Stalin and in Marxism- Leninism.

The Chinese Communists had no other alternative but to follow the course of the Soviet Union. The idea of assassinating Brigade Commander Sheng Shih-ch'i originated not from Yenan, but from Moscow. Moreover, it was the errors of Comrade Fang Lin alone, and not the errors of the Chinese Communist Party, that made Commissioner Sheng distrust the Chinese Communists. Comrade Fang Lin intended to make a hero of himself by getting rid of Commissioner Sheng and taking the political power into his own hands. The mistakes committed by Fang Lin had put the Chinese Communist Party at a great disadvantage.
The Chinese Communists had no other alternative but to follow the course of the Soviet Union. The idea of assassinating Brigade Commander Sheng Shih-ch'i originated not from Yenan, but from Moscow. Moreover, it was the errors of Comrade Fang Lin alone, and not the errors of the Chinese Communist Party, that made Commissioner Sheng distrust the Chinese Communists. Comrade Fang Lin intended to make a hero of himself by getting rid of Commissioner Sheng and taking the political power into his own hands. The mistakes committed by Fang Lin had put the Chinese Communist Party at a great disadvantage.

Fang Lin had also brought me into serious trouble. He first created a dissension between me and my wife, resulting in our divorce.
Then he caused Miss Chu Tan-hua to marry me. Through Miss Chu, he attempted to win me over to his side — a fact which I did not find out until after our marriage. He wanted to win me over to his side because he knew that I was the one who reported his misdeeds to Commissioner Sheng and who suggested that he should be replaced. (I made the suggestion because I believed at that time that Fang Lin's leaving Sinkiang would help to maintain Sinkiang- Yenan relations and enhance the personal friendship between Commissioner Sheng and Chairman Mao Tse-tung). Fang Lin also knew that Commissioner Sheng once advised me not to
marry Miss Chu Tan-hua in order to avoid the criticism of others. For this reason Fang Lin always entertained the suspicion that Commissioner Sheng and I were on very intimate terms. Apparently he wanted to drive a wedge between me and Commissioner Sheng by urging me and Miss Chu Tan-hua to unite in matrimony. I deeply regret that I ignored Commissioner Sheng's kind advice and allowed myself to be allured into a snare. The Chinese Communists should be sorry for Tu Chung-yiian's subversive activities in Sinkiang in 1940. However, Tu was not instigated by my brother, but by the well-known conspirator, Chou En-lai, to undermine Sinkiang. On the surface, Chou's purpose of undermining Sinkiang was to control the land route to Russia. As a matter of fact, his real motive in seizing Sinkiang was to expand his own influence. It must be noted that Tsou Tao-feng and Hu Yii- chih of the Life Book Store were Chou En-lai's intimate friends. It was through the recommendation of Tsou Tao-feng and Hu Yii-chih that Tu Chung-yuan and Kao Tsung-ming became members of the Chinese Communist Party.

My brother (Mao Tse-tung) always said that Chou En-lai was one of few communists who liked to create dissension among his fellow party members. He was chiefly respon-sible for the strife within the party during the early period of the communist move-ment in Kiangsi.
The policy of the Chinese Communists toward Sinkiang was carried out in three stages. During the first stage, every possible means was taken to win Commissioner Sheng over to the side of the Communists and to help him build up a New Sinkiang. During the second stage, the Communist position was consolidated and preparations were made to undermine the local government. During the third stage, all measures were taken to overthrow the existing administration that advocated the six great policies and to replace it with a Soviet regime independent of the Chinese government.

I was always of the opinion that the policies of both the Soviet Union and the Chinese Communists toward Sinkiang were mistaken. As a member of the Chinese Communist Party, however, I could
not raise objections to them. Both the Soviet and Chinese Communists have failed to understand the character and the extraordinary tact of Commissioner Sheng. The more Moscow and Yenan attempted to undermine Sinkiang, the closer was the province to the Kuomintang and farther away from the Soviet Union and the Chinese Communists. I knew long ago that if the situation remained unchanged, grave consequences would follow. It was for this reason that in the past I often asked leave of absence from Commissioner Sheng and went to Moscow for medical treatment.

It was also for this reason that in the past I often advised Commissioner Sheng to join the Chinese Communist Party and then either to leave Sinkiang for Yenan or bring his army to the interior part of China and make it a strong anti- Japanese force. I also told him that if his troops could leave Sinkiang, I would be willing to work in the political department of the army under his command. Unfortunately, I could not tell him the reason for my giving such advice and thus incurred his suspicion against me. As a matter of fact, in giving Commissioner Sheng the advice, I had no other purpose than to protect him.

There is nothing more I want to put down in my confession. In a word, as a member of the Chinese Communist Party, I had to obey its orders and to take part in the plot prepared jointly by the Soviet Union and the Chinese Communists against Sinkiang, no matter how strongly I was opposed to it.
锟斤拷锟洁辑时锟斤拷: 2023-07-15 12:39:59


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