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作者: 脠眉脌楼   脙脌鹿煤鹿煤禄谩脪茅脭卤脕玫脭脝脝陆虏碌鲁芒禄脝露铆脦卤脥芒鲁陇脥玫脪茫拢潞脙脌鹿煤脪茅脭卤虏禄脫脙脠戮禄脝脥路路垄 2023-07-09 12:44:01  [点击:1756]

美国国会议员刘云平发推驳斥:“尊敬的中国外交部:我不需要黄色染发剂就能成为美国国会议员。美国的动力在于任何人都可以成为美国人。我的根源在于自由和美国宪法。哦,每天都有一群中国公民离开中国,成为美国人。”(Dear Chinese Foreign Ministry: I didn’t need yellow hair dye to become a United States Congressman. The genius of America is that anyone can be an American. My roots are in freedom and the US Constitution. Oh, and every day a bunch of your citizens leave to become Americans.)

俺跟推:所谓的“中华人民共和国”原名“中华苏维癌共和国”。中共由其苏俄老板列宁所建立,而列宁侵占了1/10的中国领土唐努外蒙并把占该地15%的汉人赶尽杀绝(The so called "PR China" was originally name the "Soviet Republic of China"The CCP was created by its Russian boss Lenin who occupied 1/10 of Chinese territory outer Mongolia and eliminated the Han Chinese people who comprised 15% of the population at the time.)



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