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作者: 脠眉脌楼   隆露赂拢驴脣脣鹿脨脗脦脜隆路脭矛脪楼隆掳脦猫卤脳隆卤拢卢脠莽陆帽赂露鲁枚麓煤录脹$7.8脪脷隆拢 2023-04-18 20:57:40  [点击:1409]

多米南公司说:福克斯新闻网 (Fox News) 的谣言使之受到超过$10亿的损失,而且其员工的人身安全也受到威胁(The Denver-based voting technology company said the lies caused more than $1 billion in damage and led to its employees receiving threats。)

在开庭审判前,狐狸与多米南达成$7.8亿的和解协议(Fox News and Dominion reach $787.5M settlement just before defamation trial was set to begin)。

福克斯新闻已同意就该网络因广播旨在削弱公众对 2020 年总统大选结果的信心的谎言而提起的数十亿美元诽谤诉讼达成和解(Fox News has agreed to settle the billion-dollar defamation lawsuit filed against the network over its broadcast of lies aimed at undercutting public confidence in the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. )

根据多米南律师贾斯汀尼尔森的说法,福克斯新闻网和多米南周二同意以 7.875 亿美元达成和解,正如律师们准备在几十年来最受媒体关注的审判作证之前向陪审员概述他们的案子一样。The network and Dominion Voting Systems agreed to a $787.5 million settlement Tuesday, according to Dominion attorney Justin Nelson, just as attorneys were set to outline their case to jurors ahead of trial testimony in what has been the most closely watched media trial in decades.

多米南的律师说:“真实最重要,造谣者要付出代价”("The truth matters," Nelson said. "Lies have consequences.")

在2020年大选后一直鼓噪“舞弊”的福克斯新闻主持人汉尼提于去年年底在法庭说:“没有一秒钟相信过‘大选舞弊’”(I Did Not Believe It For One Second)——如此两面三刀,不是共产党员是啥?

锟斤拷锟洁辑时锟斤拷: 2023-04-18 20:58:37


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