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作者: 脠眉脌楼   脨鹿脙脺脦脛录镁鹿脌录脝露铆脣脌脥枚脢脟脦脷戮眉脕陆卤露隆拢露铆鹿煤脠脣麓脹赂脛脧没脧垄隆拢 2023-04-15 19:43:28  [点击:1428]

俄国修改了这个数字,缩小了俄军死亡数。乌方说:“近几十年俄国最成功的行动就是改照片(the most successful operations of the Russian special services took place in Photoshop)”。


《商业内幕》英文原文:More than twice as many Russian troops as Ukrainians have been killed in Putin's war, leaked estimates show. One document in particular suggests that Russia has suffered between 189,500 and 223,000 casualties, including between 35,500 and 43,000 soldiers killed in action and between 154,000 and 180,000 troops wounded. Ukraine, by contrast, has suffered between 124,500 and 131,000 casualties, including between 15,500 and 17,500 soldiers killed in action and between 109,000 and 113,500 troops wounded。Britain's defense ministry said in a February intelligence update that between 40,000 and 60,000 Russian-linked forces — which includes Moscow's regular military and mercenaries from the Wagner Group paramilitary organization — have likely been killed.)。



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