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所跟帖: aops Justice for J6 rally smaller than expected crowds at Capitol   2021-09-18 22:56:35  

作者: 脕猫脌猫12   脛茫脙禄驴麓录没脦脪拢驴脛脟赂枚麓酶脟鹿卤禄脳楼碌脛拢隆 2021-09-19 22:56:27  [点击:1129]
Ford Fischer @FordFischer
Earlier at "Justice for J6" defendants rally: Police surround masked man reportedly armed with a firearm.
He tells them where the gun is, and they pull out his badge.
He's undercover law enforcement.
Without disarming or handcuffing him, police extract him from the event.

Dinesh D'Souza @DineshDSouza
I want to extend my personal appreciation to all the FBI agents who made today’s protest in Washington, DC possible. The one thing we can say is, it wouldn’t have happened without you! #January6th

锟斤拷锟洁辑时锟斤拷: 2021-09-19 23:39:11


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